The Truth About Traditional Dentures

  1. Implant supported dentures vs traditional dentures
  2. Pros and cons
  3. Traditional dentures

Are you considering traditional dentures as a solution for missing teeth? Before making a decision, it's important to know the truth about traditional dentures and how they compare to implant supported dentures. While both options have their pros and cons, traditional dentures have been a popular choice for many years. However, with advancements in dental technology, implant supported dentures are gaining popularity. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of traditional dentures, exploring their benefits and drawbacks in comparison to implant supported dentures.

So, if you're looking for unbiased information to help you make an informed decision, keep reading. When it comes to replacing missing teeth, traditional dentures are often the first solution that comes to mind. These removable prosthetic teeth are made of acrylic or porcelain and are placed over the gums to fill in gaps in the smile. However, despite their popularity, traditional dentures have their drawbacks. One of the main issues with traditional dentures is their tendency to move around while eating or speaking. This can be uncomfortable and embarrassing for the wearer, especially in social situations.

Additionally, traditional dentures require adhesive to stay in place, which can be messy and inconvenient. Another issue with traditional dentures is their need for frequent adjustments. As the jawbone changes shape over time, the fit of the dentures can become loose and uncomfortable. This means that regular visits to the dentist are necessary for adjustments, which can be time-consuming and costly. Fortunately, with advancements in technology, there is now a more secure and long-lasting alternative to traditional dentures: implant supported dentures. These dentures are anchored into the jawbone with titanium posts, providing a natural and secure fit that eliminates the need for adhesives. Implant supported dentures also have the advantage of lasting for many years with proper care.

They do not require frequent adjustments like traditional dentures, making them a more convenient and cost-effective option in the long run. However, it's important to note that implant supported dentures do come at a higher cost. The surgical procedure for placing the titanium posts can also be daunting for some individuals. Therefore, it's crucial to carefully weigh the pros and cons before making a decision between traditional dentures and implant supported dentures. In conclusion, when it comes to tooth replacement options, traditional dentures are no longer the only choice available. While they may be a more affordable option initially, they come with their own set of challenges.

On the other hand, implant supported dentures provide a more secure and long-lasting solution, but at a higher cost. Ultimately, it's important to consult with a dental professional to determine the best option for each individual's unique needs and circumstances.

The Pros of Traditional Dentures

When it comes to tooth replacement options, traditional dentures are often the first thing that comes to mind. And while they may not be the most advanced option available, there are still some benefits to consider.

Ease of Maintenance

One of the biggest advantages of traditional dentures is that they are relatively easy to maintain.

Unlike other tooth replacement options, such as dental implants, traditional dentures do not require any special cleaning routines or tools. In fact, all you need is a soft-bristled toothbrush and denture cleaner to keep them clean and free of bacteria.


Compared to other tooth replacement options, traditional dentures are generally more affordable. This makes them a great choice for those on a budget or for those who may not have dental insurance coverage.

Additionally, if your dentures ever need to be repaired or replaced, it is typically a less expensive process compared to other options.

No Surgery Required

Unlike implant supported dentures, traditional dentures do not require any surgical procedures. This can be a major advantage for those who are not comfortable with surgery or for those who may have medical conditions that make them ineligible for dental implants.

The Cons of Implant Supported Dentures

While implant supported dentures may seem like the perfect solution, they also have some limitations and potential downsides. One of the main cons of implant supported dentures is the cost.

These types of dentures can be significantly more expensive than traditional dentures, as they require multiple dental appointments and the placement of implants into the jawbone. Another potential downside is the healing time required for implant supported dentures. The process of placing the implants and allowing them to fuse with the jawbone can take several months, which means patients will have to wait longer before they can receive their permanent dentures. In addition, implant supported dentures may not be suitable for everyone. Patients with certain medical conditions or those who have experienced significant bone loss in their jaw may not be eligible for this type of treatment. Another important consideration is maintenance. While traditional dentures can be easily removed and cleaned, implant supported dentures require special care and regular dental visits to ensure they are functioning properly.

Failure to properly care for implant supported dentures can lead to complications and potential failure of the implants. Lastly, the process of getting implant supported dentures can be more invasive and require a longer recovery time compared to traditional dentures. This may be a concern for some patients who are looking for a quicker solution to their tooth replacement needs.

The Pros of Implant Supported Dentures

When it comes to tooth replacement options, traditional dentures have long been the go-to solution. However, with advancements in technology, implant supported dentures have emerged as a popular alternative. So, what exactly are the advantages of choosing implant supported dentures over traditional ones? Let's take a closer look.

1.More Secure Fit

One of the main benefits of implant supported dentures is their secure fit.

Unlike traditional dentures, which can slip or shift while talking or eating, implant supported dentures are anchored in place by dental implants. This provides a more natural and secure fit, allowing you to speak and eat with confidence.

2.Increased Comfort

Implant supported dentures also offer increased comfort compared to traditional dentures. The implants act as artificial tooth roots, stimulating the jawbone and preventing bone loss that can cause discomfort and affect the fit of traditional dentures.

3.Improved Appearance

Implant supported dentures are designed to look and feel like natural teeth, providing a more aesthetically pleasing result than traditional dentures. The implants also help support facial muscles, preventing the sunken look that can occur with traditional dentures.

4.Increased Stability

With traditional dentures, there is always a risk of them becoming loose or falling out.

Implant supported dentures eliminate this risk, providing increased stability and reducing the need for messy adhesives.

5.Long-Lasting Solution

Implant supported dentures are a long-lasting tooth replacement option. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for decades, making them a more cost-effective solution compared to traditional dentures, which may need to be replaced every 5-7 years.


When considering tooth replacement options, it's important to weigh the pros and cons of each. Implant supported dentures offer a more secure and natural fit, increased comfort and stability, improved appearance, and a long-lasting solution. If you're looking for a reliable and effective way to replace missing teeth, implant supported dentures may be the right choice for you.

The Cons of Traditional Dentures

Despite their convenience and affordability, traditional dentures also have some drawbacks that should be considered before making a decision.

Possible Cons of Traditional Dentures:

  • Poor Fit: One of the main issues with traditional dentures is that they may not fit as well as implant supported dentures. This can lead to discomfort and difficulty eating or speaking.
  • Slippage and Discomfort: Due to the fact that traditional dentures are not anchored to the jawbone, they may slip or shift while eating or talking. This can cause discomfort and embarrassment for the wearer.
  • Bone Loss: Without the stimulation provided by natural teeth or implants, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate over time, leading to changes in facial structure and potential oral health problems.
Additional Considerations:
  • Maintenance: Traditional dentures require regular cleaning and maintenance, including removal and soaking overnight. This can be a hassle for some individuals.
  • Replacement: Dentures typically need to be replaced every 5-7 years, which can be costly and time-consuming.
In conclusion, traditional dentures may be a suitable option for those seeking a more affordable tooth replacement option.

However, for those who want a more secure and long-lasting solution, implant supported dentures are worth considering. Ultimately, the decision between traditional dentures and implant supported dentures will depend on individual needs and preferences. Consult with your dentist to determine the best option for you.

Martín Helsel
Martín Helsel

Unapologetic coffee specialist. Lifelong twitter lover. Proud travel geek. Proud social media fanatic. Avid tv enthusiast.