Creating Dentures: A Comprehensive Guide to the Process of Getting Implant Supported Dentures

  1. Process of getting implant supported dentures
  2. Fitting and adjustments
  3. Creating dentures

Are you considering getting dentures but don't know where to start? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the entire process of creating dentures, specifically implant supported dentures. This type of denture is a popular choice for those looking for a more secure and long-lasting solution. We will cover everything from the initial consultation to the final fitting and adjustments. Whether you are getting dentures for the first time or are looking to upgrade to implant supported dentures, this article is for you.

So, let's dive in and learn all about the process of getting implant supported dentures. Are you considering getting implant supported dentures but unsure of what the process entails? Look no further! In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about creating and fitting these dentures. From the initial steps to the final adjustments, we've got you covered. First, let's discuss what exactly implant supported dentures are and how they differ from traditional dentures. Unlike traditional dentures, which sit on top of the gums and are held in place by adhesive or suction, implant supported dentures are anchored to dental implants that are surgically placed into the jawbone.

This provides a more secure fit and prevents slipping or shifting of the dentures. The process of getting implant supported dentures starts with an initial consultation with your dentist. During this consultation, your dentist will examine your mouth and jaw to determine if you are a good candidate for this type of denture. They will also discuss your expectations and any concerns you may have. If you are deemed a suitable candidate for implant supported dentures, the next step is to have the implants placed into your jawbone. This is typically done in a separate appointment under local anesthesia.

The healing process for the implants can take several months, during which time your dentist may provide temporary dentures. Once the implants have fully healed and integrated with the jawbone, your dentist will take impressions and measurements of your mouth to create custom-made dentures that will attach to the implants. These dentures will be designed to fit your mouth perfectly and provide a natural-looking smile. After your new dentures have been created, it's time for the fitting and adjustments. Your dentist will place the dentures onto the implants and make any necessary adjustments to ensure a comfortable and secure fit. They may also provide tips on how to care for your new dentures and maintain good oral hygiene. Now that you know the process of getting implant supported dentures, let's discuss the benefits.

These dentures provide a more stable and secure fit, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence. They also help to preserve the jawbone and prevent facial sagging that can occur with traditional dentures. Some common concerns or misconceptions about implant supported dentures include the cost and the surgery involved. While these dentures may be more expensive upfront, they are a long-term investment that can save you money on replacements and repairs in the future. Additionally, the surgery is typically well-tolerated and has a high success rate. In conclusion, getting implant supported dentures involves a thorough process that begins with an initial consultation and ends with a comfortable and secure fit.

The benefits of these dentures make them a popular choice for those looking for a more permanent solution to missing teeth. Don't let misconceptions hold you back from achieving a confident and natural smile with implant supported dentures.

Common Concerns and Misconceptions

One of the biggest concerns for people considering implant supported dentures is the cost. Many assume that the cost will be significantly higher than traditional dentures, but this is not always the case.

While the initial cost may be slightly higher, implant supported dentures have a longer lifespan and require less maintenance, ultimately saving you money in the long run. Another common misconception is that implant supported dentures require more maintenance and care. However, the truth is that they are actually easier to maintain than traditional dentures. Since they are securely attached to dental implants, there is less risk of them slipping or falling out, and they can be brushed and cleaned just like natural teeth.

What Are Implant Supported Dentures?

To understand the process, it's important to know what implant supported dentures are and how they differ from traditional dentures.

Implant supported dentures

, also known as overdentures, are a type of denture that is supported by dental implants instead of resting on the gums.

Unlike traditional dentures, which can slip or move around in the mouth, implant supported dentures are securely attached to the implants, providing a more stable and comfortable fit. The implants act as anchors for the dentures, allowing for better chewing and speaking abilities. They also help to preserve the jawbone, preventing bone loss that can occur with traditional dentures. Implant supported dentures can be used for either the upper or lower jaw and can be either removable or fixed.

The Benefits of Implant Supported Dentures

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, many people turn to dentures as a solution.

However, traditional dentures can come with their own set of challenges, such as discomfort and difficulty with eating and speaking. That's where implant supported dentures come in. Not only do they look and feel more natural, but implant supported dentures also offer several other benefits compared to traditional dentures. These benefits include:

  • Improved stability: Implant supported dentures are anchored to the jawbone using dental implants, providing a more stable and secure fit compared to traditional dentures.
  • Better chewing and speaking: With their stable fit, implant supported dentures allow for improved chewing and speaking abilities, making it easier to enjoy your favorite foods and communicate with others.
  • No need for adhesives: Traditional dentures often require adhesives to stay in place, but implant supported dentures eliminate the need for these messy and sometimes unreliable products.
  • Preservation of jawbone: Dental implants used in implant supported dentures help stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving the overall structure of the face.

The Process of Getting Implant Supported Dentures

Are you considering getting implant supported dentures but unsure of what the process entails? Look no further! In this article, we will cover everything you need to know about creating and fitting these dentures.

From the initial steps to the final adjustments, we've got you covered. The process of getting implant supported dentures can seem overwhelming, but it's important to understand each step in order to make an informed decision. We'll break down each step of the process, including the initial consultation, surgery, and fitting and adjustments.

Initial Consultation

The first step in getting implant supported dentures is to schedule an initial consultation with your dentist. During this appointment, your dentist will evaluate your oral health and determine if you are a good candidate for implant supported dentures. They will also discuss the procedure in detail and answer any questions or concerns you may have.


If you are deemed a good candidate for implant supported dentures, the next step is surgery.

This typically involves placing four to six dental implants into your jawbone. These implants serve as anchors for the dentures and provide a stable foundation. The surgery is typically performed under local anesthesia, and you may experience some discomfort and swelling afterwards. Your dentist will provide you with instructions on how to care for your mouth during the healing process.

Fitting and Adjustments

Once your mouth has fully healed from the surgery, it's time for the fitting and adjustments stage. This involves attaching the denture to the dental implants and making any necessary adjustments for a comfortable fit.

Your dentist will also ensure that your bite is aligned properly. It's important to note that fitting and adjustments may take several appointments in order to achieve the perfect fit. Your dentist will work closely with you to ensure that your implant supported dentures feel and function just like natural teeth. With the help of this comprehensive guide, you now have a better understanding of the process of getting implant supported dentures. Remember to consult with your dentist to determine if this is the right option for you and to address any concerns you may have. With proper care, implant supported dentures can provide a long-lasting solution for missing teeth.

In conclusion, getting implant supported dentures involves several steps but can greatly improve your quality of life. From the initial consultation to the final adjustments, you'll be in good hands with a qualified dental professional. Don't let misconceptions or concerns hold you back from considering this option for tooth replacement.

Martín Helsel
Martín Helsel

Unapologetic coffee specialist. Lifelong twitter lover. Proud travel geek. Proud social media fanatic. Avid tv enthusiast.