Understanding the Differences between Implant Supported Dentures and Traditional Dentures

  1. Implant supported dentures vs traditional dentures
  2. Differences
  3. Stability and durability

When it comes to replacing missing teeth, there are several options available. Two of the most popular options are implant supported dentures and traditional dentures. Both of these options have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, making it important for individuals to fully understand the differences between them before making a decision. Implant supported dentures, as the name suggests, are held in place by dental implants that are surgically placed into the jawbone. This provides a stable and durable foundation for the dentures, allowing for a more secure and natural fit.

On the other hand, traditional dentures rely on suction or adhesives to stay in place, which can lead to slipping and discomfort for some individuals. In this article, we will delve deeper into the differences between implant supported dentures and traditional dentures. We will explore factors such as stability, durability, cost, and maintenance, to help you make an informed decision about which option is best for you. Whether you are considering dentures for the first time or looking to switch from traditional dentures to implant supported ones, this article will provide valuable insights and information to guide you in your decision-making process. So let's dive in and discover the nuances between these two popular options for replacing missing teeth. When it comes to dentures, two important factors to consider are stability and durability. These aspects greatly impact the functionality and longevity of your dental restoration.

So, what do we mean by stability and durability in relation to dentures?Stability refers to the ability of the denture to stay in place and withstand normal daily activities such as eating and speaking. On the other hand, durability refers to how long the denture can last without needing to be replaced or repaired. Implant supported dentures are typically the clear winner when it comes to stability. This is because they are anchored directly into the jawbone using dental implants, providing a secure and stable base for the denture. This eliminates the need for suction or adhesives, which can often lead to slipping or shifting of traditional dentures. In terms of durability, both types of dentures have their pros and cons.

Implant supported dentures have a longer lifespan due to their strong foundation in the jawbone. However, they may require occasional adjustments or replacements due to wear and tear. On the other hand, traditional dentures may need to be replaced more frequently due to changes in jawbone structure or wear and tear on the denture itself. Overall, the stability and durability of implant supported dentures make them a more reliable and long-lasting option for many patients. However, it's important to consult with your dentist and consider your specific needs before deciding on which type of denture is best for you.

The Advantages of Implant Supported Dentures

When it comes to dental restorations, stability and durability are key factors to consider.

This is where implant supported dentures have a clear advantage over traditional dentures.


Implant supported dentures are fixed in place using dental implants that are surgically placed in the jawbone. This provides a secure and stable foundation for the dentures, making them less likely to slip or move while talking or eating. Traditional dentures, on the other hand, rely solely on suction and adhesive to stay in place, which can sometimes be unreliable.


Implant supported dentures are made with high-quality materials that are designed to withstand the daily wear and tear of chewing and speaking. They are also less prone to breakage or damage compared to traditional dentures, which may require frequent repairs or replacements. Furthermore, the implant-supported dentures stimulate the jawbone, preventing bone loss and preserving facial structure.

This can help maintain a more youthful appearance and prevent the need for frequent adjustments or replacements.

The Drawbacks of Traditional Dentures

While traditional dentures have been a popular choice for replacing missing teeth for many years, they do come with some drawbacks when it comes to stability and durability.


One of the main concerns with traditional dentures is their stability. Unlike implant supported dentures, which are anchored securely into the jawbone, traditional dentures rely on suction and adhesive to stay in place. This can be problematic as the jawbone changes shape over time, causing the dentures to become loose and uncomfortable. This can also make it difficult to eat and speak properly, leading to potential embarrassment and frustration for the wearer.


Another disadvantage of traditional dentures is their durability.

While they may initially seem like a cost-effective option, they often need to be replaced every 5-7 years due to wear and tear. This can be a significant expense over time, especially if the dentures need to be adjusted or repaired frequently. In addition, traditional dentures are more prone to cracking and breaking compared to implant supported dentures, which are made from strong materials such as titanium. Overall, when it comes to stability and durability, traditional dentures may not be the most reliable choice for replacing missing teeth. In conclusion, when it comes to stability and durability, implant supported dentures are the clear winner. They provide a secure and long-lasting solution for those in need of dentures, with the added benefit of preserving jawbone health.

However, traditional dentures may still be a suitable option for some individuals depending on their specific needs and preferences. Ultimately, it's important to consult with your dentist to determine which type of denture is best for you. By considering factors such as stability and durability, you can make an informed decision that will provide you with a comfortable and functional dental restoration.

Martín Helsel
Martín Helsel

Unapologetic coffee specialist. Lifelong twitter lover. Proud travel geek. Proud social media fanatic. Avid tv enthusiast.